
The Old Hospital


Using the materials from the destruction of the castle, Bishop Gómez de Ahedo began building the House of Mercy and Hospital in the late 18th century. On a rectangular plan, it surrounds a central cloister with a double-pitched roof.  A keep rises above one of the angles of this roof with an El Escorial capital. The neoclassical facade features the same stone enclosure on the doors and windows and is topped by a wide tile eave over a triglyph frieze.

Nowadays, it’s a hotel. 


Дополнительная информация

Tourist Info Segorbe
C/ Marcelino Blasco nº 3
12400 Segorbe
Teléfono: 964 713 254
Fax: 964 711 953
Web: www.turismo.segorbe.es
E-mail: [email protected]