You will find an information card for every bathing area, with detailed information about their accessibility, the services available, and links to the appropriate pages about the closest townships, the climate and the food unique to each area.
Come in and enjoy the waters of Castellón

- Sur Coast
- Norte Coast
- Fortí i Fora Forat
- Riu de la Sènia Beach
- Cales beach
- Aiguadoliva beach
- El fortí beach
- Clot beach
- Saldonar beach
- Triador beach
- Barbiguera beach
- Les Deveses beach
- El Pastor cove
- Pinar Cove
- Els Cossis Cove
- Els Pinets Cove
- Fondo de Bola Cove
- Foradada Cove
- Roca Plana Cove
- Les Llanetes Cove
- Salines beach
- Les Timbes cove
- El Puntal I Cove
- Del Puntal II Cove
- Roques Cove
- Riu Sénia beach
- Playa de la Boca del Riu
- Cala del Sòl de Riu
- Cala de la Sunyera