7 Pobles. com Mountain Bikes, Hiking C/ Mayor ( El Boixar), 28 / 12599 La Pobla de Benifassa Telephone: 615306447 www.7pobles.com [email protected]
Aeroclub de Castellón Camino La Plana s/n 12100 Grao de Castellón Telephone: 964 282 314 www.aeroclubcastellon.com [email protected]
Aeroclub Maestrat Vinaròs Carretera Nacional 232 12500 Vinaròs Telephone: 677 473 294 - 615 374 929 www.aeroclubmaestrat.com [email protected]
Alberg La Parreta Orientation, Hiking, Nature workshops, Mountain biking, Mountaineering Pd. La Parreta, s/n / 12150 Vilafranca del Cid Telephone: 654908395 http://www.laparreta.com [email protected]
Anavegar Nautic Charter Puerto Deportivo Benicarló. Local C1 / 12580 Benicarló Telephone: 635815611 www.anavegar.es [email protected]
Apivillores Nature workshops, Hiking Pz. de la Vila, 1 / 12311 Villores Telephone: 660061189 http://viuelsports.com [email protected]
Aquarama CN-340 Km 986.8 12560 Benicàssim. Telephone: 964 303 321 Fax: 964 302 069 www.aquarama.net [email protected]
ARQUEOCAS Guided Tours. Specialists in Archaeological Tours and "Spanish Civil War" Tours in the province of Castellón. C/ Joanot Martorell, 18 - 12540 - Vila-real (Sin atención al público) Telephone: 644 823 706 http://www.arqueocas.es/ [email protected]
ASOCIACION DE VECINOS LES SUTARRANYES - AEROCLUB MAESTRAT PO. 5, PARCELA 38, S/N C.P. 12500 Telephone: 964402233 http://www.aeroclubmaestrat.com [email protected]
AVENTURA CASTELLON C/ Camino Paridera, 21 C.P. 12122 Telephone: 618131718 http://www.viunatura.com [email protected]
Azahar Aventuras Mountainbikes, Orientierung Bergsteigen, Canyoning, Mountainbiken, Klettern, Wandern, Via Ferrataón, Wandern C/ Colon, 17 / 12596 Torreblanca Telephone: 637517885 www.azaharaventuras.com [email protected]
Bambando Active turism Carrer de Ribelles Comín, nº 55, / 12001 Castelló de la Plana Telephone: 622 419 333 www.bambando.com [email protected]
Barracuda Oropesa Diving, Snorkelling, Puerto deportivo de Oropesa del Mar / 12594 Oropesa del Mar Telephone: 964766895 http://www.barracudaoropesa.es [email protected]
Base Náutica Benicàssim Jet Ski, Ski bus, Parascending Av. Ferrandis Salvador esq. c/ Sigalero / 12560 Benicàssim Telephone: 667 736 909 www.basenauticabenicassim.com [email protected]
BICI RURAL- CASTILLO BIKES C/ Sant Antoni, 5 12192 VILAFAMÉS Telephone: 651 174 880 WWW.BICIRURAL.ES [email protected]
Buggy Monstre FlyBoard, Ski bus, Jet skis C/ Puerto deportivo, Las Fuentes, 7 / 12579 Alcossebre Telephone: 627204217 https://buggymonstre.es/ [email protected]
C.A.S. Barracuda Diving, Charter, Snorkelling, Diving Puerto Deportivo Las Fuentes 12579 Alcossebre Telephone: 964 412 623 - 669 876 197 Fax: 964 414 166 www.barracudabuceo.com [email protected]
C.F.A.S. VIUMEDITERRANI C/ VEREDA DE DIDOTA (CAMPING DIDOTA), S/N C.P. 12594 Telephone: 652 22 60 58 https://cfasviumediterrani.negocio.site [email protected]
Castellón en Ruta C/ Enmedio, 82 12001 Castelló Telephone: 964 232 551 www.castellon-en-ruta-cultural.es [email protected]
Centre Excursionista de Castellón Carrer de Jesús Martí Martín, 24 entlo/ 12002 Castelló Telephone: 964234490 http://www.cecs.es [email protected]
Centro de Estudios Náuticos Yatescuela Museros, 3 Bajo 12005 Castelló Telephone: 964 229 112 - 608 866 666 www.yatescuela.com [email protected]
CENTRO DE PARACAIDISMO SKYTIME Camino de La Plana, Aerodromo El Pinar, s/n C.P. 12100 Telephone: +34 964 288 595 https://www.skytime.es [email protected]
Centro Ecuestre Ecuvin Horse trails Carretera Nacional 232 Km. 5 12500 Vinaròs Telephone: 964 401 342 - 687 867 938 www.ecuvin.com [email protected]
CENTRO ECUESTRE Y CLUB HIPIC D'ONDA JESUS VERDIA PD. SONELLA POLIGONO, 27 C.P. 12200 Telephone: 625320183 [email protected]
Charters Casamar Nautical Charter C/ Santo Tomas nº 28 2º A / 12550 Almassora Telephone: 696 454 984 - 645 769 888 - 607 697 514 www.charterscasamar.com [email protected]
CLUB HIPICO MEDITERRANEO PD. Pedregar, 40 C.P. 12530 Telephone: 637506990 http://www.clubhipicomediterraneo.com [email protected]
CLUB NAUTICO OROPESA DEL MAR C/ Puerto Deportivo Oropesa del Mar, S/N C.P. 12594 Telephone: 964 313 055 https://www.cnoropesa.com [email protected]
COSTA AZAHAR WATERSPORTS Watersports Playa de La Concha (Oropesa del Mar), Paseo Marítimo, 48 Telephone: 620 854 450 - 672 202 474 http://costaazaharwatersports.com [email protected]
Cultural Routes Guided cultural and gastronomic visits, Family Tourism, Dramatized visits Pz. Primero de Mayo, 41, 3º / 12500 Vinaròs Telephone: 696 530 682 /964 455 521 www.culturalroutes.es [email protected]
Dinamic Adventure C/ Elvira Peiró, 35 12448 Montanejos Telephone: 666 76 27 19 https://www.instagram.com/dinamicadventure/
Diver Sport Mountain bikes, diving, quad, hiking Av. Estación, 17 / 12598 Peñiscola Telephone: 964482006 www.diversport.net [email protected]
DIVERNAÚTICA Jet ski Puerto Deportivo de Oropesa del Mar Telephone: 685 363 757 http://www.divernautica.com [email protected]
DXT Náutico Diving, diving school, cruises, catamaran school, boat rental, trips to Columbretes C/ Trabajadores del Mar, 18, entlo.C / 12100 Castelló Telephone: Sub. 638 104 775 - Vela. 669 762 629 www.deportenautico.es [email protected]
Energy Bike Cycling C/ Albeniz, 14-16 / 12560 Benicàssim Telephone: 964392506/ 689 03 73 16 http://www.energybikes.es [email protected]
Escape Morella Escape Morella has a number of outdoor escape room challenges where you roam Morella in search of items and clues. The perfect activity for families or groups of friends. Carrer Sant Julià, 60 12300 Morella Telephone: 620 591 667 https://escapemorella.com [email protected]
Espadan Aventuras Canyoning, Climbing, Speleology, Orienteering, Tibetan Bridge, Rappelling, Hiking, Archery, Zip Line, Via Ferrata AUTOVIA A-23 SAGUNTO TERUEL, SALIDA 33 / 12415 Gaibiel Telephone: 679597091 www.espadanaventuras.com [email protected]
Esportverd Canyoning, Mountain Biking, Climbing, Caving, Orienteering, Rappelling, Bungee Jumping, Hiking, Zip Line, Trekking, Via Ferrata C/ Sant Julià Nº 52, 2ºA 12300 Morella Telephone: 964 160 551 - 608 665 764 Fax: 964 16 05 13 www.esportverd.com [email protected]
EXPERIENCES Turisme i Vivències Experience tourism (agrotourism, gastrotourism, culture, art, ...) Telephone: 616690147 https://www.viuexperiencies.com/ [email protected]
EXPERIENCIAS EN CASTELLÓN Gastronomic, artisan and nature activities throughout the province, also adapted to people with functional diversity Telephone: 610256627 experienciasencastellon.com [email protected]
EXPLORA MAESTRAT AV. PAPA LUNA, 36 N10 C.P. 12580 Telephone: 630196296 http://www.exploramaestrat.com [email protected]
Forest Tuber Nature workshops, Hiking C/ Font de L'Alfori, s/n / 12135 Vistabella del Maestrazgo Telephone: 606839103/ 647 430 179 [email protected]
Gegantur, Turisme de Penyagolosa Mountain bikes, hiking C/ Camí Font de Baix, 19 / 12135 Vistabella del Maestrazgo Telephone: 655185291 http://www.gegantur.com [email protected]
Golondrinas Clavel Diving, Snorkeling Pz. del Mar, s/n / 12100 Castelló Telephone: 639 693 938 - 666 114 851 www.golondrinasclavel.com/ [email protected]
Hardacho Cycle tourism, horse riding, hiking C/ Arenachos bajo 12 C.P. 12450 Jérica Telephone: 606 089 696 - 625 517 159 www.hardacho.com [email protected]
Infinitri Sports C/ Ciudad del Transporte, 189 / 12006 Castelló Telephone: 659753609 http://www.infinitri.es [email protected]
Ismajet Jet skis, FlyBoard Playa Norte (frente Polícia Local) / 12598 Peñíscola Telephone: 607 322 465 [email protected]
Itinerantur Hiking, cycling C/ Estatut, 45 12560 Benicassimn Telephone: 677 571 515 / 636 011 281 www.itinerantur.com [email protected]
Kailoa Charter S.L. Nautical Charter, Diving Avda. Jaime Chicharro, 136, D-2 / 12530 Burriana Telephone: 678 404 579 www.kailoacharter.com [email protected]
Kidom Avda.Enrique Gimeno 101, Planta 1ª (Centro comercial Estepark) /12006 Castelló de la Plana Telephone: 610 608 709 www.kidom.es [email protected]
LA LLOSA AERODROMO C/ ALMENARA, KM 3 C.P. 12591 Telephone: 636969386 http://www.lallosaaerodromo.com [email protected]
La Sària Cycling routes, hiking, trekking C/ Apostol Santiago, 38 / 12560 Benicassim Telephone: 635 120 029 www.lasaria.com [email protected]
LA SURERA C/ Carboneras, 4 C.P. 12413 Almedíjar Telephone: 646205241 http://www.lasurera.org [email protected]
La Volteta Hiking, cycling C/ Jesús Martí Martín, 26, 7H / 12006 Castelló Telephone: 964911557 http://www.lavolteta.es [email protected]
LOWCARBONECONOMY FOUNDATION PO. 5, Parcela 69 - COMPLEJO MAR DE FULLES, S/N C.P. 12609 Telephone: 964652880 [email protected]
Maesports Turismo Deportivo Active Tourism Company Apdo. Correos 95 / C. DELS BOTERS Telephone: 630 24 69 16 www.maesports.es [email protected]
Maestral Kite Surf Cycling, Mountain Biking Av. Ferrandis Salvador, s/n / 12100 Castelló Telephone: 627037062 http://www.mestralkitesurf.es [email protected]
Maestrat Equestre Horse riding or equestrian routes C/ Dels Sants Mártirs, 17 12181 Benlloch Telephone: 655848156 http://maestratequestre.com [email protected]
Mar de Fulles Trekking Complejo Mar de Fulles, s/n / 12609 Alfondeguilla Telephone: 964 090 965 / 669 211 569 www.mardefulles.es [email protected]
Maralba Circuit Experience Routes in all terrain vehicle or 4X4rranquismo, Mountain Biking, Climbing, Hiking, Via Ferrataón, hiking Poligono 1, parcela 178 / 12118 Les Useres Telephone: 609765546 http://www.maralbacircuit.com [email protected]
Marina Benicarló Puerto Deportivo Benicarló Avda. Marqués de Benicarló Nº 39 12580 Benicarló Telephone: 964 462 330 Fax: 964 400 166 www.marinabenicarlo.com [email protected]
Marlon Karts Crta. Nacional 340, Km 993 12594 Oropesa del Mar Telephone: 964 310 340 www.marlonkart.com [email protected]
MAS DE BORRAS PD. MAS DE BORRAS, S/N C.P. 12124 Telephone: 964255675 http://www.elmasdeborras.com [email protected]
MAS DE L'ALFORI C/ Font de l' Alfori, s/n C.P. 12135 Telephone: 606839103 https://www.masdelalfori.es [email protected]
Matafruit Naranjas Av. Pio XII, 30-7º H 12540 Vila-real Telephone: 657 207 455 www.matafruitnaranjas.com [email protected]
MAUI SUP & SURF Av. Ferrandis Salvador, 308, 12560 Benicàsssim Telephone: 611037653 https://www.mauisupandsurf.com/ [email protected]
Maui Sup&Surf Surf, Paddle, Windsurf Avda. Ferrándis Salvador 308. Local 143 12560 Benicassim Telephone: 611037653 www.mauisupandsurf.com [email protected]
Máxima Aventura Whitewater rafting, Canyoning, Kayak routes, Family multi-adventure, Climbing, Cave visit, Bungee jumping, Hiking, Trekking, Birding, Interpretive and cultural routes, Yellow Humor, Via Ferrata Calle Carretera de Valencia, 14 12448 - Montanejos Telephone: 636 388 105 www.maximaaventura.es [email protected]
Monte Mar Motor C/ Francia, 62, 13 E, 12006 Castelló de la Plana Telephone: 964 371 103 / 691 345 464/ 691 490 183 www.montemarmotor.es [email protected]
MONTEMAR MOTOR Marina Port Castelló, 12100 – Grao de Castellón Telephone: 964371103 http://www.montemarmotor.es [email protected]
Morella Aventura Hiking equipment and bicycles for hire. Telephone: 620591667 https://morellaventura.com [email protected]
Multiaventura Temps Actiu Quad, Archery, Adventure Circuit Poligono 3, parcela 56 / 12130 Sant Joan de Moró Telephone: 619 339 402 www.tempsactiu.com [email protected]
NATUR SAILING Watersports Puerto Deportivo de Oropesa del Mar Telephone: 653 760 687 [email protected]
Nómada Aventura Canyoning, Climbing, Speleology, Kayak, canoeing, paintball, Rafting, Bungee Jumping, Hikingarter Náutico, Diving Av. Antonio Fornás, 8 12447 Montan Telephone: 658 618 723 www.nomadaaventura.com [email protected]
Ofertas Costa Azahar C/ Vilanova d'Avinyó, 63. Esquina Calle Marret 12598 Peñíscola Telephone: 964 482 273 - 625 505 625 https:// www.alquilerhinchables.net/ [email protected]
OROVENTUR MOTOS ACUÁTICAS Jet ski Playa Morro de Gos (Oropesa del Mar) Telephone: 651 323 971- 620 010 221 https://es-es.facebook.com/oroventur [email protected]
Paddle Surf Tramontana Paddel surf Av. Ferrandis Salvador, 6 / 12560 Benicàssim Telephone: 677879566 http://paddlesurftramontana.org [email protected]
PAINTBALL CASTELLON C/ VILLANUEVA DE AVIGNON, 63 C.P. 12598 Peñíscola Telephone: 625 505 625/ 964 482 273 www.paintballcastellon.com [email protected]
PALAIGUA PLAYA DE TORRE LA SAL (JUNT TORRE VIGIA), S/N C.P. 12595 Telephone: 687628776 http://www.palaigua.com [email protected]
Palancia Emotions Archery, Rappelling, Mountaineering, Snowshoeing, Climbing, Kayaking or Canoeing, Caving, Routes in an all-terrain vehicle or 4X4, Hiking, Survival, Paintball, Tibetan Bridge, Orientation, Mountain Biking, Canyoning, Via Ferrata, Zip-line Cr. Cv 213, km 1 s/n / 12470 Navajas Telephone: 650306306/ 618936210 www.palanciaemotions.es [email protected]
Persenda Esports D'Aventura Hiking, Mountain Biking Cr. Mosqueruela, 13 / 12135 Vistabella del Maestrazgo Telephone: 610213493 http://persenda.com [email protected]
PESCA TURISMO – EL PARAÍSO BENICÀSSIM Telephone: 667 671 434 https://pescaturismo.es/ [email protected]
Pescaturismo El Paraiso Puerto pesquero de Castellón de La Plana / 12100 Grao de Castellón Telephone: 667 671 434 https://pescaturismo.es [email protected]
Poni Club Castellón Horse riding or equestrian routes Camino del Caminás, 49 / 12004 C.P. Castelló Telephone: 964 766 235 - 608 072 653 www.poniclubcastellon.com [email protected]
Quad Universe Quad Av. de Madrid, 5 local 25 / 12594 Oropesa del Mar Telephone: 625264407 http://www.quaduniverse.com [email protected]
REAL CLUB NAUTICO CASTELLON C/ ESCOLLERA DE PONIENTE (GRAO DE CASTELLO), S/N C.P. 12100 Telephone: 964282520 http://www.rcncastellon.es [email protected]
ROCA MAR TRAVEL C/ PADRE BOVER 7 BIS, 1 C.P. 12500 Telephone: 653726157 http://rocamartravel.com [email protected]
Rumbo Directo Diving and Nautical Charter Paseo Buenavista. Puerto Azahar. 12100 Castelló de la Plana Telephone: 611 37 93 37 www.rumbodirecto.com [email protected]
RUMBODIRECTO.COM C/ ESCOLLERA DE PONIENTE, AMARRE A-26 (CLUB NAUTICO), S/N C.P. 12100 Telephone: 611379337 http://rumbodirecto.com [email protected]
Saltapins Adventure Circuit Complejo Fábrica Giner Crta. Morella-Forcall, Km. 4 12300 Morella Telephone: 964 173 256 - 636 277 457 Fax: 964 17 32 72 www.saltapins.com [email protected]
Sargantana Aventura Canyoning, Climbing, Speleology, kayaking, canoeing, Rappelling, Hiking, Zip-line, Via Ferrata C/ Balmez, 2, 3ª / 12200 Onda Telephone: 622 724 343 www.sargantanaaventura.com [email protected]
Sebastià Masía Tomás Climbing C/ Capçer ( Triador), 1, 4ª / 12500 Vinaròs Telephone: 665970100 [email protected]
Segóbriga Park - Complejo Acuático Monte San Blas s/n 12400 Segorbe Telephone: 699 069 855 www.turismo.segorbe.es [email protected]
SEGWAY ALCOSSEBRE P. PUERTO DEPORTIVO LAS FUENTES, SN 12579 Telephone: 675355835 http://www.segwayalcossebre.com [email protected]
Senderismo Penyagolosa Trekking C/ Sebastian Elcano, 42, 4º, 8ª / 12100 Castelló Telephone: 617013551 http://senderismopenyagolosa.com [email protected]
SKY GLIDING XTREM AV. FERRANDIS SALVADOR (Aeroclub de Castellon), S/N C.P. 12100 Telephone: 630 91 65 47 https://www.skygliding.es [email protected]
Skytime Skydiving Camí La Plana s/n - Aeroclub 12100 Grao de Castellón Telephone: 964 288 595 - 605 920 380 Fax: 964 254 423 www.skytime.info [email protected]
Sociedad Hípica de Castellón Camino la Ralla s/n 12100 Grao de Castellón Telephone: 637 506 990 - 650 406 117 www.hipicacastellon.com [email protected]
Somos Aventura Partida Corral de Prats, 17. 12448 Montanejos Telephone: 601 40 79 21 www.somosaventura.com [email protected]
Sport & Nature Mountain bikes, orientation, hiking C/ San Vicente, 31 bajo / 12598 Peñiscola Telephone: 639717278 http://www.sportnature.es [email protected]
SURFERS CASTELLON C/ ASTRONOMO FRANCES ARAGO, 4 C.P. 12100 Telephone: 627037062 http://www.surferscastellon.es [email protected]
Taxis Via Verde Ojos Negros Telephone: 646410026 https://naturalmentetaxis.blogspot.com/ [email protected]
The Jumper Avda.Enrique Gimeno 101, Planta 1ª (Centro comercial Estepark) /12006 Castelló de la Plana Telephone: 610 609 701 https://thejumper.es/jumping
TRACKS MAESTRAT C/ Valencia, 36 C.P. 12360 Telephone: 686 340 935 - 675 843 924 www.trackstour.com/rutas/tracks-maestrat [email protected]
Viunatura Mountaineering, Canyoning, Mountain Biking, Cycle tourism, Climbing, Caving, kayaking, canoeing, mountaineering, Orienteering, Tibetan Bridge, Rappelling, Snowshoeing, Hiking, survival, Nature Workshops, Zip-line, Trekking, Via Ferrata, Visits to Caves Pza. Villalonga, 8 12122 Figueroles Telephone: 618 131 718 www.viunatura.com [email protected]