
Nacimiento del río Palancia


Nacimiento del río Palancia

eaving the urban centre, we very quickly find the Roman aqueduct.

We immediately continue the journey in the direction of La Fuente de “Los Cloticos”, by the sides of La Peñaescabia (1,318 metres), staying in front of “Las Peñas de Amador”. It is an ideal route to walk or cycle, being able to enjoy the beauty of some wild and leafy parks.

From “Los Cloticos” we continue along the forest path that dominates the Palancia river until arriving at the village of Molinar (about two kilometres from Bejís), that was abandoned, but is partially being recovered for recreational, social and juvenile uses by a body linked to the Valencian Catholic Church.   

At the height of this village (belonging to the municipality of El Toro), the Palancia river flows into the Agua Lobos stream, which comes from Los Llanos de Barracas.