
Paraje de la Fuente Més Amunt

Les Useres

The park of the Mes Amunt spring, nearby the town, constitutes one of the elements of greatest historical value, present in the collective memory of the municipality.

It is a park that is often visited by neighbours and tourists, since it has an abundance of water all year, and an extensive recreation and leisure area, with paella-making facilities and parking. In addition, in 2008 the town council carried out some important adaptation and improvement works to the park, with the inclusion of tables, bins, bike racks, fences, and tourist signposting.

The spot is very nearby to the town, linked to the magnificent path from La Font de Mes Amunt, that has been restored at the start of 2009. From this route you can admire the spectacular and typical panoramas of the town, bordering the orchards that accompany the entire path.

The spring, which supplies water to the town, has nine pipes that give abundant water all year round. It is a water source which has emanated water since yesteryear, irrigating the orchards nearby to the town and in its era it turned many mills on its route. 

In 1780 a branch was built in order to supply water to the town, creating la Font de Baix in the town centre, in which you can read a plaque that indicates the year of its opening.

Very near to the spring, next to the road bridge, during periods of heavy rainfall emanates the Fuente Jordana, which brings a beautiful torrent of water to the landscape.