
Village Hall


The Village Hall of Vilafranca is a Gothic building that was probably built between the 13th and the 14th centuries. Few documents remain today in the village archives, as they were lost during the Spanish Civil War in 1936. This unfortunately means that there is little information on the architect of this medieval building.

It has several grand rooms, such as the hall where the village council offices were located and the sessions hall. Both possess elegant wooden furniture and restored Gothic windows with bifora and quatrefoils, on the south face of the building. Another noteworthy element is the Gothic arches in the ground floor hall which leads to Calle de San Roque, and currently houses the Tourism Office.

Since 2001, this building has been the headquarters of the Village Council of Real Villa de Vilafranca. Currently, the Village Council Offices (administrative and public attention offices) have been relocated to another building on Avenida del Losar. Nevertheless, plenary sessions of the village council are still held there. It also houses the Tourism Office, a hall for temporary exhibitions, and two other rooms with a mineralogical and paleontological collection.

The Salón del Consell or the sessions hall is an important part of the building, thanks to the presence of an altarpiece created by the artist Valentí Montoliu in 1455, dedicated to the Virgin of Losar, the patron saint of Vilafranca.
