
Los Ventisqueros


Due to their altitudes of 1000 and 1200 m, and their continental climate that sees strong winds and snowfall in winter, Sacañet and Canales are the perfect place for snow to build up. Today, these mountains possess a uniquely important cultural heritage for us. Between its 47 ventisqueros, the ventisquero de los Frailes, built by the monks of Cartuja de Portaceli in 1769, stands out. The ventisqueros are 4 metre-thick rounded off or arching walls that are up to 30 metres in diameter. Built on the cliffs, they used to accumulate snow during winter in order to supply ice to the nearby settlements of Valencia, Lliria or Segorbe during the summer. It is the densest concentration of such ventisqueros in the entire Mediterranean.



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Access via a clay road.